

You are a valuable resource

如果你55岁或以上, 住在亚当斯, 棕色(的), 或派克县, the 发请帖 volunteer program needs your skills and talents! Share your lifetime of experience while enjoying the mutual rewards of volunteering.

Find the opportunity that’s right for you

No matter how much time you have to share, there’s a place for you! The 发请帖 network serves more than 70 local and national organizations, so you choose the areas that are most meaningful to you.

你想做什么? A wide range of opportunities includes:

  • 辅导JWCC-发请帖标志
  • 邮件
  • 文书
  • 医疗运输
  • Delivering meals and groceries
  • Disaster response and recovery
  • 活动助理
  • 保险咨询
  • 导游/主机
  • 缝制泰迪熊
  • 打电话
  • 法庭监视计划
  • 给孩子读书
  • Visiting/assisting patients

Looking for something less formal?

友好的帮助 activities include taking neighbors to medical appointments or shopping, 帮忙做家务, 或者只是检查一下.

现场志愿者 are “on call” for Special Placement/One Time (SPOT) assignments which involve assisting with a variety of short-term projects. 发请帖 maintains a list of SPOT volunteers to contact as the office receives requests for assistance.


发挥你的才能, 培养新技能, 认识新朋友, and engage your passions while making a difference in our community. More than 500 volunteers have joined forces to tackle tough issues and ongoing concerns.

When you volunteer with 发请帖, you’ll begin with pre-service orientation and we’ll discuss the opportunities that best match your interests. Then we’ll introduce you to the organization’s staff and you’ll receive any needed training, as well as supplemental insurance while on duty.



Additional Benefits for Volunteers

Volunteering should not create a financial burden. 因此, you may request reimbursement for certain out-of-pocket expenses if they create a hardship for you.


要求, 发请帖 will reimburse you for travel expenses between home and the volunteer station when using your personal vehicle. 这是25美元.每月00英镑限额. The volunteer time and expense report must be signed by the station supervisor where you were volunteering.

如果你不开车, the 发请帖 staff can arrange for public transportation, which is also reimbursable upon request. Taxi fares are not reimbursable unless you have received prior approval from the 发请帖 office.

If you are volunteering during a meal-time, you may request reimbursement for the meal, up to $7.50. 收取报销, you must attach the meal receipt to your volunteer report which must be signed by the volunteer station supervisor.


When you enroll in 发请帖 you will be provided accident and excess liability insurance that covers you while traveling between home and the site, as well as during your volunteer time. The accident and excess liability coverage are intended to provide higher levels of insurance for you, beginning where your own insurance coverage stops. They are excess, not primary coverage. 这是真的, 太, for personal liability; if you are not covered by personal liability insurance, the 发请帖 personal liability insurance becomes the primary insurance with no deductible.


当您使用发请帖注册时, you will receive a name badge to wear during your volunteer assignment that identifies you as an 发请帖 volunteer.

A recognition banquet is held each year to honor volunteers for their years of service with 发请帖.  Volunteers who have reported at least 24 hours of service to the 发请帖 office during the previous 12 months will receive an invitation to attend the event free of charge.  Other volunteers and guests may attend the celebration for the cost of the meal.

Other events may be held throughout the year to recognize volunteers as decided by the 发请帖 staff when resources are available.

三个人在山上摆姿势. 英镑IGA
发请帖 members sing at the Sunset Retirement 首页
Various ladies serving soda in Styrofoam cups
Eleanor Yackley and Kathie Clark manning a booth


Check out a few current or ongoing volunteer opportunities! Please call the 发请帖 office at 217.641.4961 to learn more about these and other options. Our 发请帖 staff is happy to help match you to a rewarding experience.


Stay up-to-date with latest news from 发请帖 or explore our archives.



Located in the JWCC 昆西校区
1301 S. 48th Street, 昆西,伊利诺伊州62305


位于JWCC山. 英镑中心
120 N. 国会大厦,太. 斯特林,伊利诺伊州62353


Located in the 东南教育中心
260大街39637号. 匹茨菲尔德,伊利诺伊州62363

布朗亚当斯经理 & 派克县,请回复

Nicole Zulauf的肖像

Volunteer Coordinator, 亚当斯县,请回复



Portrait of 希瑟Manwell

Office Assistant, 派克县,请回复


Office Assistant, 布朗县,请回复